Inner Visionary | eBook
Inner Visionary | eBook
Inner Visionary
Thought Leader Rising
The companion that will kick start your dream life. Easy strategy to get you from no f**king idea to having a reputation you can monetise.
Author: Melissa Pepers.
How to start your own cult without wearing white.
I believe that inside everyone, there are important ideas that will have a significant impact on the world. Whilst any individual interest or skill on its own is shared by many, no-one else has the particular mix of memories, experiences, interests, skills, temperament and values that make up you. This means your vision of the future is as unique as your fingerprint.
When you can unlock this future vision, attract a like-minded audience who want to live in this future, and know what to say and when to articulate these ideas – you become a thought leader and your impact on the world begins. Inner Visionary contains easy exercises and helpful links that show you exactly how to step into your power.
Before this book I saw that everyone has unique potential and that this potential is largely wasted; for no reason beyond it's the way it's always been done. The Status Quo. This book contains 6 steps, starting with my unique process Status Quo Mapping that will illuminate the pathway to make your vision a reality. The way it's never been done.
My 6 step process is a comprehensive strategy for building a magnetic presence that shows people why your perspective matters and has them hungry for whatever you create, before you create it. It even tells you how to communicate your vision by building your reputation on social media – including what to post and when.
Purchasing this ebook entitles you to access unlimited updates for free. It is routinely reviewed by me to ensure the advice is never outdated so that you always have everything you need to become a thought leader in today's changing world.
If you could smell this digital textbook, it would smell like the sweet satisfaction of discovering and becoming known for the unique impact that only you can bring to the world… with a sprinkle of old book for the vibes.
Follow the step by step process in this book and you will build an audience of people that see your potential and CRAVE more of your special brand of magic.